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Seattle Chapter ARCS Foundation
Annual Holiday Lunch and Chapter Meeting
Monday, December 14, 2015 Seattle Tennis Club 922 McGilvra Seattle, WA, 98112
Click here to make a reservation online
10:30 Coffee & Social 11:00 Chapter Meeting – View Room
12:00 Luncheon 12:30 Guest Speaker -- Dr. Hans Van Dongen - Director of the Sleep and Performance Research Center at Washington State University
"Why smart people make bad mistakes while sleep deprived." Most people do not manage to get enough sleep on a regular basis. It has been well documented that sleep loss impairs cognitive performance. Yet for the larger part we seem to get by just fine in the office, at home, and on the road... until we suddenly make an error that could jeopardize our job, embarrass us socially, or get us into a traffic accident. How and why does this happen? Dr. Hans Van Dongen - Director of the Sleep and Performance Research Center at Washington State University - will discuss ground-breaking research that has revealed how sleep deprivation affects brain functioning. He will explain why even very smart people sometimes make exceptionally bad mistakes when they are sleep deprived.
Guests are welcome.